Marjorie Searcy’s
Just what a singer needs to keep their voice healthy at home or on the road.
1. Propolis
- [Propolis Link](
2. Airborne
- [Airborne Link](
- [Airborne Link (alternative)](
3. Vocal Nebulizer
- [Vocal Nebulizer Link](
4. Saline Solution for Vocal Mister
- [Saline Solution Link](
5. Throat Coat Tea
- [Throat Coat Tea Link](
6. Throat Coat Spray
- [Throat Coat Spray Link](
7. Singing Straw (15% off)
- [Singing Straw Link](
8. Vocal Trainer
- [](
- Use code MARJORIESEARCY for 10% off the Vocal Trainer
Don’t forget a great water bottle!
Also pineapple juice is great for a sore throat and honey for a cough!